“Tune into the core of your body.”

You are not the little personality you think you are—full of needs and quirks,” the Grandmothers laughed. “You aren’t a compilation of events and genetic material,” they laughed even harder. “Those are only connections you made once upon a time. As you awaken to the greatness of your being and move into oneness with the presence that you are, you will move through all that.”…

“Tune into the core of your body,” the Grandmothers said. “Whenever you occupy your center, everyone and everything connected to you lifts Every form of life is part of the same seamless whole, so when you accept the fact that you are an exalted being and allow yourself to lift up, everything lifts. Whenever you take this centered place and feel it, you salute the truth of life and the truth of life salutes you back.

from “Our Love is Our Power” by Sharon McErlane

“Everything has its own voice.”

Raven on Eagle's pole speaking melodiously-- 2.17.16, Anchorage, Ak
Raven on Eagle’s pole speaking melodiously– 2.17.16, Anchorage, Ak

The universe is composed of subjects to be communed with, not objects to be exploited. Everything has its own voice. Thunder and lightening and stars and planets, flowers, birds, animals, trees, — all these have voices, and they constitute a community of existence that is profoundly related.

~ Thomas Berry

Words from one who has walked on the moon.

My view of our planet was a glimpse of divinity.

Suddenly from behind the rim of the moon, in long, slow-motion moments of immense majesty, there emerges a sparkling blue and white jewel, a light, delicate sky-blue sphere laced with slow swirling veils of white, rising gradually like a small pearl in a thick sea of black mystery. It takes more than a moment to fully realize this is Earth—home.

–Edgar Mitchell
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut and the sixth man to walk on the moon, passed away on Thursday at the age of 85.

A wild woman.

11.22.15, Anchorage, Ak
11.22.15, Anchorage, Ak

A Wild Woman never believes, “It can’t be done.” She never talks herself out of the dream that calls to her, that tugs on her heart like the moon tugs the ocean. She is tracking, always tracking her own heartbeat to the place where it beats with the drums of the earthly pulse. Deep into the woods, down to the rivers edge, up the mountain side, and deep into the caverns, finally back to the ocean, in time to sing to the moon.

— Alison Nappi

Hanging in there.

When you are triggered, it can feel like moving a mountain to soothe the pathways of abandonment, and to stay embodied to the energy as it surges through your belly and nervous system.

Something is longing to be met, that is for sure. An avalanche of previously disowned feeling, emotion, and sensation, seeking some sort of completion that was not available at an earlier time.

It may seem that there is no way for you to close the loop, that it’s just too much. Open your heart into the too-much-ness, slowly, for very short periods of time, and then rest. Even for just a couple of seconds, use your presence to touch what is emerging – just enough to light up a new path, but not so much that you overwhelm or re-traumatize yourself.

Soften into your belly, into the panic, and take pause from the ancient belief that you must quickly understand, shift, or transform your immediate experience. See that there is nothing to ‘heal,’ but only something to hold. Offer sanctuary for the movement of life as it washes through you, and it will integrate and liberate on its own. Care for yourself in new and wild ways.

To provide a home for sacred metabolization is one of the greatest gifts of love that you can give – not just to yourself but to those around you. To reclaim embodied responsibility for the orphaned pieces of your psyche and soma is not easy and requires a lot of practice. But more than anything, it demands an unconditional commitment to seeing the entirety of your inner experience as worthy, as valid, and as the very seeds of the path forming around you.

Despite how difficult it can be, the fruits of this work are infinite, they are eternal, and to do this may be why you have come here: To make an offering to a weary world, and to do whatever you can to help others, to rest in their majestic true nature.

–Matt Licata

The Net of Light.

Be wary of drama,” the Grandmothers cautioned. “The mind and ego love drama because it feeds them. But when your heart is at one with the Net of Light, it is able to reach far beyond any seeming difficulties. Your connection with the Net of Light forms the elemental Fabric of Being of the Universe.

“This is where you are needed,” they said, “anchored in and to the Net of Light. When the world attempts to draw you into panic and despair, drop into your heart. Drop into the core of radiance that lives within you, and sitting there, give thanks. Each time you connect like this, light shoots along the strands of the Net, upholding the light within you and upholding light everywhere.

“Casting the Net,” by Sharon McErlane, pages 81-82

Truth and Falsehood

Once, Truth and Falsehood met at a crossroads, and after they had greeted each other, Falsehood asked Truth how the world went with him. “How goes it with me?” said Truth. “Each year worse than the last.”

“I can see the plight you are in,” said Falsehood, glancing at Truth’s ragged clothes. “Why even your breath stinks.”

“Not a bite has passed my lips these three days,” said Truth. “Wherever I go, I get troubles, not only for myself, but for the few who love me still. It’s no way to live, this.”

“You have only yourself to blame,” said Falsehood to him. “Come with me. You’ll see better days, dress in fine clothes like mine, eat plenty, only you must not gainsay (contradict) anything I say.”

Truth consented, just that once, to go and eat with Falsehood because he was so hungry he could hardly keep upright.

They set out together and came to a great city, went to the best hotel, which was full of people, and sat and ate of the best. When many hours had gone by, and most of the people had gone, Falsehood rapped with his fist on the table, and the hotelkeeper himself came up to see to their wants, for Falsehood looked like a great nobleman. He asked what they desired.

“How much longer am I to wait for the change from the sovereign I gave the boy who sets the table?” said Falsehood. The host called the boy, who said that he had had no sovereign. Then Falsehood grew angry and began to shout, saying he would never have believed that such a hotel would rob the people who went in there to eat, but he would bear it in mind another time, and he threw a sovereign at the hotelkeeper. “There,” he said, “bring me the change.”

Fearing that his hotel would get a bad name, the hotelkeeper would not take the sovereign, but gave change from the reputed sovereign of the argument, and boxed the ears of the boy who could not remember taking the coin. The boy began to cry, and protest that he had not taken the sovereign, but as no one believed him, he sighed deeply and said, “Alas, where are you, unhappy Truth? Are you no more?”

“No, I am here, ” said Truth, through clenched teeth, “but I had not eaten for three days, and now I may not speak. You must find the right of it by yourself, my tongue is tied.”

When they got outside, Falsehood burst out laughing and said to Truth, “You see how I contrive things?”

“Better I should die of hunger,” said Truth, “than do the things you do.”

So they parted forever.

— “Truth and Falsehood”– Georgios A. Megas, Folktales of Greece (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970), pp. 133-34




“The artist isn’t afraid of decay.”

Sitka rose-- 9.18.15, Anchorage, Ak
Sitka rose– 9.18.15, Anchorage, Ak

It’s never comfortable to be the lone voice which speaks contrarily to the group, especially the group to which one feels belonging. The hope is that in speaking truthfully, one might still be loved and accepted – even respected for the courage it takes to say the thing that others dare not.

But often you travel these lengths alone, even from your most beloved companions, and it rarely feels courageous while you do so. But if you can stand the terrible loneliness and doubt, there might slowly emerge the young tendrils of understanding in the hearts of others. Then, and only then, will you see that you’ve been tremendously brave.

Instinctively you know that it isn’t enough to stay within bounds. The soul thrives on novelty. It comes alive in the dynamism of change and works at the edges of our perceived boundaries. It doesn’t ask for permission, because it obeys a higher authority. It takes its cues from the rhythm of nature herself, which is always crumbling into chaos, breaking down into the rich humus that fosters creativity.

The artist is vigilant for those places of stagnancy where traditions have been left unquestioned for too long; where establishments have been exclusive to a chosen few; where chaos and inappropriateness have been cleansed, and therefore thriving just below the polished surfaces.

The artist isn’t afraid of decay – she befriends it. She is an agent of collective conscience – outing the unspoken, exposing the hidden, voicing for the voiceless.~


Animal soul.

My little friend-- 8.1.15, Anchorage, Ak
My little friend– 8.1.15, Anchorage, Ak

Nearer to the earth’s heart,
Deeper within its silence:
Animals know this world
In a way we never will.

Stranded between time
Gone and time emerging,
We manage seldom
To be where we are:
Whereas they are always
Looking out from
The here and now.

May we learn to return
And rest in the beauty
Of animal being,
Learn to lean low,
Leave our locked minds,
And with freed senses
Feel the earth
Breathing with us.

May we learn to walk
Upon the earth
With all their confidence
And clear-eyed stillness
So that our minds
Might be baptized
In the name of the wind
And the light and the rain.

~John O’Donohue

Guidance I can trust.

Airport-- Merida, Yucatan, Mexico-- July 2013
Airport– Merida, Yucatan, Mexico– July 2013

If it doesn’t resonate (even if its “supposed” to be the right thing to do), I choose not to do it…
I wait for my intuition and body instinct to give me the go ahead!

I focus on the “feelings” in my body,
I obey my insights,
I can determine the difference between a yes and a no on an energetic level.
I know what’s best for me in any given moment…

I question everything handed to me as gospel,
it is censured through my heart…

I trust my “heart self”
She is my connection to the source of all knowing,
She is my mentor and guide…
Through her I make choices that truly serve my well being and blossoming awareness.
© Caroline de lisser

Pamela Ann McDowell Saylor