Arrival of the waxwings and the readiness of the trees.

First waxwings of the year in crabapple tree (11.9.14, Anchorage, Ak)
First waxwings of the year in crabapple tree (11.9.14, Anchorage, Ak)

Yesterday morning I was delighted to see the first waxwings of the year alighting in the trees in our yard and in the neighbors’ yards– birches, may tree, crabapple. Their fluttering wings, twittering, and restless energy were invigorating to my soul.

As I reflected on what quality of being I wished to imbibe for the day,  however, I found it in the presence of the trees just being themselves. By being there, by being themselves, they were inviting a visit from the waxwings.

Human beings are more malleable than trees. We have a choice about how we open ourselves to experiences. What do I want to invite into my life in each moment, each hour, each day? In order to create an intention about what I will invite, I must enter the inner stillness, the place of silence. For that, I must pause, breathe with awareness, surrender the chattering mind.

Importance of ritual.

While our culture is all gloss and pace on the outside, within it is too often haunted and lost. The commercial edge of so-called ‘progress’ had cut away a huge region of human tissue and webbing that held us in communion with one another. We have fallen out of belonging. Consequently, when we stand before crucial thresholds in our lives, we have no rituals to protect, encourage and guide us as we cross over into the unknown.

John O’Donohue

The moon is ever full of surprises.

Beaver Moon, Sassafras Moon, Dark Moon, Snow Moon... (11.2.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waxing Moon (11.2.14,, Anchorage, Ak)
Moon at 8:09 pm (11.3.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waxing Moon  (11.3.14, Anchorage, Ak)

I love the way the moon is always playing hide-and-seek with me.  The times and places it rises and sets change. I have to keep track of whether it is waxing or waning. Sometimes I look and look and can’t see it– and then, all of  a sudden, there it is.

Moon at 6:08 pm (11.4.14, Anchorage, AK)
Waxing Moon  (11.4.14, Anchorage, AK)
Moon at 6:08 pm (11.4.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waxing Moon  (11.4.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Moon on 11.5.14 (8:37 pm, Anchorage, Ak)
Waxing Moon (11.5.14 ,Anchorage, Ak)


at night,
deep in the mountains,
I breathe…
everything is still,
all thoughts emptied
into the night.
my robe has become
a garment of frost.
suddenly, above the
highest peak,
the full moon appears.

~ Ryokan

Full Moon (11.6.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Full Moon (11.6.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Full Moon Fire Ceremony (11.6.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Full Moon Fire Ceremony (11.6.14, Anchorage, Ak)
November Full Moon (11:30 pm, 11.6.14, Anchorage, Ak)
November Full Moon (11:30 pm, 11.6.14, Anchorage, Ak)


If the full moon loves you, why worry about the stars?

-Tunisian Proverb

Waning Moon (12:15 am, 11.9.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waning Moon (12:15 am, 11.9.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waning moon (10:30 pm, 11.9.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waning Moon (10:30 pm, 11.9.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waning Moon (11.10.14, 11:46 pm, Anchorage, Ak)
Waning Moon (11.10.14, 11:46 pm, Anchorage, Ak)
Waning Moon (12:31 am, 11.13.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waning Moon (12:31 am, 11.13.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waning Moon (1:06 am, 11.14.14)
Waning Moon (1:06 am, 11.14.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waning Moon (7:57 am, 11.15.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waning Moon (7:57 am, 11.15.14, Anchorage, Ak)
New Moon fire (11.21.14, Anchorage, Ak)
New Moon fire (11.21.14, Anchorage, Ak)


Waxing moon (4:40 pm, 11.26.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waxing moon (4:40 pm, 11.26.14, Anchorage, Ak)



Waxing moon (6:31 pm, 11.26.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waxing moon (6:31 pm, 11.26.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waxing moon (7:43 pm, 11.29.14)
Waxing moon (7:43 pm, 11.29.14)
Waxing moon (6:28 pm, 12.2.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waxing moon (6:28 pm, 12.2.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waxing moon (11:48 pm, 12.3.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waxing moon (11:48 pm, 12.3.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waxing moon (5:21pm, 12.4.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waxing moon (5:21pm, 12.4.14, Anchorage, Ak)



Waxing moon (11:28 pm, 12.5.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Waxing moon (11:28 pm, 12.5.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Full moon fire (6:05 pm, 11.6.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Full moon fire (6:05 pm, 11.6.14, Anchorage, Ak)
December full moon (7:52 pm, 12.6.14, Anchorage, Ak)
December full moon (7:52 pm, 12.6.14, Anchorage, Ak)
December full moon (10:46 pm, 12.6.14, Anchorage, Ak)
December full moon (10:46 pm, 12.6.14, Anchorage, Ak)






“The Wisdom of Skeleton Woman.”

"Scary Story" audience was the best this year for the Storytellers' Guild of Anchorage (10.26.14)
“Scary Story” audience was the best this year for the Storytellers’ Guild of Anchorage (10.26.14)

There are no guarantees that what comes next will be lovely to behold, or easy, or always fun.

There is no simple comfort that this new chapter will be painless and wildly successful.

She does not nod in acquiescence to our desires and longings.

She just gazes back into us,

We may shift uncomfortably. Our soul reaches out, knowing this is where life and growth and awakening happens. The ego is recoiling.

Decide to stay in this moment.

But then, something miraculous begins to happen.
As we gaze at her, and fully face the fearful thing we keep running from, our tears blur and blend the edges of those bones, and something soft and fragrant begins to bloom inside of us.

We can feel the death of some over-read chapter beginning to close at last, yes.

But there is a new page on the other side, with words yet unwritten.

Skeleton Woman and we-
we will take up the pen together.

-Sarah La Rosa, from “The Wisdom of Skeleton Woman”

Rudolf Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul– Thirtieth Week (October 27- November 2)

There flourish in the sunlight of my soul

The ripened fruits of thinking;

To conscious self-assurance

The flow of feeling is transformed.

I can can perceive now joyfully

The autumn’s spirit-waking:

The winter will arouse in me

The summer of the soul.

— Rudolf Steiner

Birches (11.1.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Birches (11.1.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Garden at rest (11.1.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Garden at rest (11.1.14, Anchorage, Ak)
St Francis (11.1.14, Anchorage, Ak)
St Francis (11.1.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Anda's saurkraut (11.1.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Anda’s saurkraut (11.1.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Birch fire (10.31.14, Anchorage, Ak)
Birch fire (10.31.14, Anchorage, Ak)


Samhain (10.31.14)
Samhain (10.31.14)

It’s not all pretty. The earth knows terrible things. She receives all deaths, gentle and brutal. She bears the pain of every birth. She turns all things back into herself; she worries the bones to dust. She is changing, always changing. Layers shift. Her own bones crash and break. Tides heave. Rock erupts into fire. It’s not all pretty. Beauty never is.

— Elizabeth Cunningham, Magdalen Rising

Pamela Ann McDowell Saylor