“The Wisdom of Skeleton Woman.”

"Scary Story" audience was the best this year for the Storytellers' Guild of Anchorage (10.26.14)
“Scary Story” audience was the best this year for the Storytellers’ Guild of Anchorage (10.26.14)

There are no guarantees that what comes next will be lovely to behold, or easy, or always fun.

There is no simple comfort that this new chapter will be painless and wildly successful.

She does not nod in acquiescence to our desires and longings.

She just gazes back into us,

We may shift uncomfortably. Our soul reaches out, knowing this is where life and growth and awakening happens. The ego is recoiling.

Decide to stay in this moment.

But then, something miraculous begins to happen.
As we gaze at her, and fully face the fearful thing we keep running from, our tears blur and blend the edges of those bones, and something soft and fragrant begins to bloom inside of us.

We can feel the death of some over-read chapter beginning to close at last, yes.

But there is a new page on the other side, with words yet unwritten.

Skeleton Woman and we-
we will take up the pen together.

-Sarah La Rosa, from “The Wisdom of Skeleton Woman”

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