Taking support.

We can let go of the need for a controlled environment with everything in its place. We can.

We can let our arms out to our sides and allow the waters of Yemaya, of Stella Maris to support us from underneath. In fact, it is necessary to do that if we are going to float at all.

We can let deep, slow breaths fill our bellies, and we can let them be soft and nourishing to our heart.

We can be okay with not knowing. For however long that takes. It’s okay if it takes a long time.

We can Open to Grace, we can wait, we can allow holiness to infuse our discomfort, our confusion, and let those feelings be transformed into something that feeds life in us, sustains us, and moves us closer into the spiral, or further out, following a sacred current.

– Sarah La Rosa (Her Strange Angels– Facebook)




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