War subsists on polarity. In war there is no room for nuance or subtlety. War is conflict between two options, and to participate in it one needs to identify with one side or the other. This applies to war between nations, to the war on cancer, etc. Whenever the word “war” is invoked, we automatically fall into identification with one side or the other.
In truth, it is “balance” that brings forth the realm of all possibility. “Balance” embraces the opposites. We wake up out of our deep sleep of polarity and begin to see the world and ourselves in a new light, a living light. This takes constant inner effort to maintain. We become aware of a third force and we are freed from the eternal feeling of discontent that is always there when we are in imprisoned in polarity.
G.I. Gurdjieff maintained that humans are “third force blind.” Losing this blindness corresponds to what he (and the Christ) called “waking up.”
First, it is necessary for individuals to embrace the opposites within themselves. Second, with enough of these individuals involved, opposing “sides” within the collective can embrace the opposites for the collective (e.g. different interest groups or different countries).
Now is the time to wake up. May the entirety of humanity be freed from the prison of duality.
— Pam McDowell Saylor