During a healing session last evening, I “remembered” how my ancestors were “torn away” from their home ground (by choice, but it was still a tear). As I “went” to the place they left (Ballymoney, N.Ireland) and then to the place they migrated to (DeSoto, MO), I felt a sort of mending going on. It felt as if I were part of that mending. There seemed to be something more needed, a kind of reconciling force. This turned out to be New Mexico and the healing properties of that land, in its wildness, the quality of the earth, and the practice of forming homes and vessels from the earth. The pueblo homes never wear down, as they are always being mended right from the earth. New Mexico pottery (Acoma Pueblo) is formed entirely from the earth and is returned to the earth from whence springs new pottery.
The land can heal us and our ancestors, and it seems there is a force in this direction, when we open ourselves to it.