While in contemplation I was alerted to this quality that I needed to focus upon. When I was at McGinley’s for the session, I wrote it in my notebook, then began to sketch the musicians. It was Jim Kerr’s birthday, so he ended up being the focal point. Jim Kerr does have a generous spirit, so it jelled nicely.
This morning it dawned on me that I had been considering generosity of spirit only in relationship to people. But it also applies to my attitude toward things, actions, and place. Mindfulness in action, and in regard to things and place is generosity of spirit.
The ultimate generosity of spirit is to surrender to one’s own inner Self, releasing the illusion that we are separate.
To give selflessly to others is such a gift to the one who does it, because it opens the giver to the ultimate surrender to the Absolute.
Since it is the night Santa comes, it’s perfect timing.