Thoughts on the new blog title.


Time to upgrade. Whatever does that mean? In relationship to the land, our earth? I believe we are seamlessly connected to Mother Earth and that our actions and quality of presence are taken into her very substance–the rocks, rivers, ocean, soil–  and into all life:  plant, animal, and human.

Yes, we all know that when we destroy the rain forests we are cutting off our nose to spite our face; we collectively “kind of” know it.

There is also a more subtle relationship available between ourselves and the Mother. It has to do more with “being” than with “doing.” It has to do with our, as I said, “quality of presence.”

It has to do with how awake or aware we are. Am I here or am I “out to lunch?”  Am I present in the moment? Being present in the moment, I have found, it not easy or “automatic.” It happens through continually rebooting intentional practices invoking presence.

There are many paths and practices that people have followed for millenia. These practices are tried and true. Whatever we choose to try, when we give ourselves to it one hundred percent, we find that they are true– they do lead to a greater sense of presence.

Myriad books have been written on this topic, and many folks are aware of the possibilities (e.g. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle). More retreats than one can imagine are available for folks to take to help them to “amp up.”

What an exciting time it is to upgrade ourselves for the benefit of all! Whatever our explorations, if they bring increased presence, we are “onto something” and we will be joining in a global upgrade! We will be feeding Mother Earth. She will keep giving back to us– in truth, she never stops.

By giving the blog a new title  Coming home. Offerings to the living land. Mindfulness and the honoring of place., I am reminding myself to focus on how my quality of presence affects the land beneath my feet. It seems to be my North Star. I have been doing practices of presence for quite a while, and I am grateful to have a more refined sense of purpose. I am grateful for all of the help I continue to receive  on the journey, which I call Grace. Without the Grace of the Ineffable, nothing is possible. Nor is it possible without the combined efforts of many over time. May I ever be aware of this.

Today! I will come back again and again to presence by being mindful of each step I take upon the Mother. I will forget…  remember… forget… remember. When I remember, I will hold my attention upon this walkiing meditation with increased sense of purpose due to the new blog title.

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