Nurtured by the Earth.

Sacred Cave (Yucatan, 7.22.13)
Sacred Cave (Yucatan, 7.22.13)
At its deepest level this planet has the potential to give meaning and purpose to our souls as well as nourish our bodies. This has always been understood by traditional cultures that were rooted in the sacred. Many of their rituals of daily life as well as their spiritual practices were enacted for the purpose of looking after the sacred nature of creation, keeping the balance between the worlds.
When the Pomo Indians made baskets, the women would go out and pray over the grasses before they cut them. As they wove the baskets, they prayed over them. The basket wove together the physical and the spiritual parts of life. It is only through awakening to an awareness of the sacred within creation – and of its relationship to our own sacred nature – that we can begin to redeem the primal imbalance that lies at the root of our present predicament. Any awareness of the world as a living whole needs to include its spiritual dimension.
To quote the Buddhist leader, the 17th Karmapa: “At every moment, our physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing are nurtured by the earth and yet, we are indifferent to this fact as we go about our way pursuing material success.
-Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Taking a stand.

Sacred Cave (Yucatan, July 22, 2013)
Sacred Cave (Yucatan, July 22, 2013)

There is a pivotal juncture in every Heroine’s Journey when she stands alone. Sometimes instinctually, she is led by the depth of her convictions to take a stand – to name the unaddressed – to call out of hiding the secret malaise in her community. She arrives at a standpoint not without doubts, but in spite of them. And worse than the criticism such disobedience can invite, is her rejection from the group which is at odds with her truth. But the silent prayer which keeps her company in the night is that it is not for her critics that she raises her voice, but for those who would otherwise be made voiceless.


Organize Around What You Love

August 12th, 2013
Organize around what you love, and approach with new perception. The growth of our inner world is the ingredient which has the capacity to rework the future. Often it is the most difficult situations in life that offer us the steel to build the new foundation.If one can stand back from the pain and see the bigger picture, many times, it is truly the cellular exchange from the change which seems to take us to the next step.The stars certainly shifted something this weekend; perhaps all of the emotional ups and downs of the summer are coming to a point. Is this an opportunity to surrender to what is……….?

Water pressure slowly demands surrender, even to the toughest of boulders. The drops, particle by particle, continuously smooth and move our immovable mountains. It is becoming quite clear.

This is the opportunity to embrace inner wisdom, allowing the outcomes to show, even if it looks quite different from what the mind had anticipated. Often this is case, and how many times do these unforeseen outcomes take one to places which are even more bright? Many.

Surrender with the knowledge that something good is about to show itself. There is always a motion toward our best, and a glimmer shinning on opportunity.

Surrender with the knowledge that life is about to open up.

–Laurissa’s Infusion Astrology

“To know fully even one field…”

Cushendall, Northern Ireland
Cushendall, Northern Ireland
To know fully even one field or one land is a lifetime’s experience. In the world of poetic experience it is depth that counts, not width. A gap in a hedge, a smooth rock surfacing a narrow lane, a view of a woody meadow, the stream at the junction of four small fields – these are as much as a man can fully experience.
~Patrick Kavanagh


Uxmal, Yucatan, 7.21.13
Uxmal, Yucatan, 7.21.13

“Shhhh! She is traveling between worlds right now. You can see her holding the tension of not knowing ~ she is simply breathing into her unanswered questions. Sometimes she drinks her coffee with quaking hands, not knowing where her relationship or her bank account is going. But this time, she is holding onto the tension of not knowing, and is not willing to hit the panic button. She is unlearning thousands of years of conditioning. She is not being split between the opposing forces of fight and flight. She is neither naïve nor ignorant. She is a frontier woman, paving new roads & making new choices. She is willing to make a new transcendent possibility emerge. You may see her now ~ standing at thresholds, or at crossroads ~ breathing into her body ~ intently listening for inner signals. She’s learning new navigation skills as she arrives at a most magical moment of her life.”
~ Sukhvinder Sircar

“Now your soul has come to take you back.”

Sacred Cave Blessing (Uxmal, Yucatan)
Sacred Cave Blessing (Uxmal, Yucatan)
You have traveled too fast over false ground;
Now your soul has come to take you back.

Take refuge in your senses, open up
To all the small miracles you rushed through.

Become inclined to watch the way of rain
When it falls slow and free.

Imitate the habit of twilight,
Taking time to open the well of color
That fostered the brightness of day.

Draw alongside the silence of stone
Until its calmness can claim you.
~ John O’Donohue