Allow a place for the trickster.

Mountain Range (Jan 22, 2013, Anchorage, AK, 11:19 am)

Allow a place for the trickster in your life.
Otherwise it gets too boring. Leave the back door open, because he (or she) never enters through the front door, and we never know when. If he visits you, lock your reasonable thoughts in a room, and if they don’t cooperate, give them a toy to play with. Have a good meal with the trickster and allow yourself to laugh. Enjoy the new perspective he brings as a gift, while everybody else is discussing reasons for foiled plans. The trickster is a messenger from the soul; he (or she) sometimes tries to visit us, but we don’t always welcome them, and sometimes, getting stuck in old patterns, we prefer to become bitter or moralizing. It makes a great difference how we respond.
-The Sacred Feminine for Life

Mountain Range 2 (Jan 22, 2013, Anchorage, AK, 11:18 am)


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