Purpose of Assignment 3

Purpose: To partake of the world and engage in action with a quiet mind.


“The moment the mind becomes stable, one becomes God.” (Baba Muktananda quoting Bhagawan Nityananda)

Day in and day out the mind is always running away to imaginary worlds. It thinks and thinks for no reason. The world of fantasies is endless. It is called vikalpa samsara, the imaginary world that has no end. First one thought arises, then immediately a second thought arises which puts the first thought to an end, and on and on.

But if you become the witness of the mind, then all the thoughts, all the fantasies are destroyed, and your mind becomes still and quiet. In this world, the bound soul endures a lot of trouble and pain. The reason for this is the mind. When the mind is no longer the mind, then you become God.

God is the witness of the mind. Therefore, we should always try to turn within and know that witness. If a person can understand even the first two states of waking and dreaming, he will be able to experience God. And by knowing and experiencing God, his life is transformed.

— Baba Muktananda, Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri, 121

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