Be grateful for your life,every detail of it,
and your face will come to shine like a sun,
and everyone who sees it will
be made glad and peaceful.
~ Rumi
(Thanks to Sarah Barton)
Be grateful for your life,every detail of it,
and your face will come to shine like a sun,
and everyone who sees it will
be made glad and peaceful.
~ Rumi
(Thanks to Sarah Barton)
This morning as I lay in bed, I found my mind becoming active. It was running along a familiar grove, ruminating over some impression from the day before. I was reminded that I have a choice. I can either allow myself to be absorbed in this thought, or return to what has been called “ground luminosity,” through attention to the breath that courses as one force in the center of my being.
When I got up, I allowed myself to go onto Facebook. Here I beheld a post that aggravated me; it was harder to let this go than the other thought, because it had an emotional charge. I am grateful I was able to do so. It would be better if I avoided the pitfalls completely, by not putting my attention on things that I know aggravate my mind, but I am grateful that I am able to remember my purpose and goal, and move on.