Entering the Void with the Eyes Open

Painting the World (Edisto Island, SC)

This morning I watched dawn being painted upon the screen of my awareness. As the sun rose above the clouds, a copper/orange pathway was painted upon the surface of the water. At the same time, a dolphin undulated its way across this pathway, surfacing and disappearing. My perception was that the world was being painted by/within the supreme being. The scene was so riveting that my awareness was able to be sustained upon the scene. At the same time, my awareness was also directed within. By painting the world, God entices me into continuous, unbroken awareness. This is the state of the Self.

I wrote in my meditation journal: The great secret is that I do not have to let the world put me to sleep. I don’t need the excuse that the world is responsible for my lack of awareness. Shiva drishti, open-eyed meditation, is possible.

Morning Musing

If you are mindful of God’s generosity, you will easily relax into the details. God’s generosity expresses itself through nature– animals, plants, people, rocks, and all events and elements of the universe. It is everywhere and in everything. If He seems miserly, that, too, is His generosity. For, with that, He shows you that you must continue ardently with your sadhana.

Morning Sun: Edisto Island


The Self

You were born from a ray of God’s majesty
and have the blessings of a good star.
Why suffer at the hands of things that don’t exist?
Come, return to the root of the root of your Self.

You are a ruby embedded in granite.
How long will you pretend it’s not true?
We can see it in your eyes.
Come to the root of the root of your Self.


Entering the Void with the Eyes Open

The greatest wisdom is letting be.  Letting be is a movement of availability, of acceptance—and ultimately of love.  How can we achieve such an extraordinary capacity—to love consciously?   I suspect it is not what we think.  It is not straining beyond ourselves—it is just the opposite.  It is going down, practicing love and acceptance on animals—including the animal of the body.  The wise Buddhist teacher Ajahn Chah urged people to be humble—to be like earth worms, digging down into the earth of themselves.  When I sit sometimes, I reflect that this body I have been given links me to the distant past.  I marvel that this body came to me from a great chain of humanity—reaching back to our common mothers.  In meditation, this body is revealed to be a vast cave of wonders, like Lascaux. Who knows what wonders might be discovered if I can shine the light of attention? I have heard and read that we contain worlds, universes.  I might glimpse this and hear this. If I can let it be.

— http://tracycochran.org/2012/05/let-it-be/

Entering the Void with the Eyes Open

Edisto Sunset

Every part of your world is divided, fragmented, filled with opposition against itself. Every fragment strives with another for something they cannot reach– harmony. Yet, if your race learns to reach beyond these divisions, these opposites, you will find that there is a pattern of wholeness that is indivisible and allows no fragmentation. You know this yourselves though you seldom own it. There is a deep reservoir of oneness beyond the divisive way you live. Seek that and you will discover the deep harmony that exists in all creation.

— John Matthews, The Sidhe: Wisdom from the Celtic Otherworld, 95,96

Entering the Void with the Eyes Open

Pay attention to everything around you: to the flight of birds, the movement of clouds, and the dance of leaves in the air. Listen to the song of the wind, the murmur of the river, the sounds made by insects in the grass, bees on the wing, the chatter of crows and the barking of dogs. Wherever you are and wherever you go, listen and look– and remember. For in these things lies the pattern of all creation, of which you are a part. When you can hear the sound of a butterfly opening its wings, then you can hear the sounds of your own immortal being.

–John Matthews, The Sidhe: Wisdom from the Other World, 105

Edisto Rain

Entering the Void with the Eyes Open

This is our second morning at Edisto Island, SC. As I did my dawn nature meditation my attention went to a gap between the trees that afforded a “peephole” to the distant marshes. Suddenly I was transported beyond the limiting confines of what immediately surrounded me– the trees and hanging Spanish moss– to the sense of almost infinite expansion. Then, as I became aware of the details of a distant building which appeared in the same peephole, in front of the marshes, with the dawn light painting golden, expanding patterns on it, I realized that I can be aware of details and be at the same time in an expanded state. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Then I listened to the diverse and engaging calls of birds, noticing that the sounds of the birds were different than during yesterday’s dawn. I listened to the particular sounds but not losing the sense of expansion. I was aware of the space which embraced the particular sounds. In both sight and hearing I was able to perceive the particular and the expanded.

I remembered that Anda talks about this when she describes her artistic process.

I am discovering that it is indeed possible to have what is called shiva drishti, open-eyed meditation. That I can be Self-aware even as I behold the world around me. This is what is meant by the term “entering the void with the eyes open.” We are able to behold the world from our own divine center. We can come to behold the world as not different than God.

To perceive heaven on earth is unity awareness– it comes from an inner realization independent of a particular location. Places like Edisto Island, however, seem to roll out a red carpet for this awareness to dawn.

Dawn Moon-- Edisto Island, SC



During 1978-79 Brian and I attended the fourth course at Claymont Court (http://www.claymontseminars.com/). It was one of a series of nine month courses at Claymont which had been initiated by John G. Bennett, who anchored it in the “Fourth Way” teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff. Our teacher was Pierre Elliot, and one of the first weekly themes he assigned to us was “noticing.” We spent a week contemplating that word as we went about our daily work, which was also underpinned by various inner exercises designed to help us to be fully present in the moment.

For some reason, this is one of the themes that stuck with me all of these years. Now I am mining it further. It seems to be the golden key for me right now, as I improve in my ability to sacrifice mental reverie for noticing the details around me, from the space of the Heart.

I also find that when I am focusing on noticing, I see things that need to be done that I otherwise may have missed. It increases my opportunity to be helpful.