The following quote articulates what I have known (as we used to say, “on some level”) about this journey called “On the Way to Cushendall.” I like it that the journey retains its title because, returned from Cushendall, I continue to discover the contents of the treasure chest that that Cushendall holds for me.
Self-discovery is about opening to the mystery– knowing less about yourself, not more… The experience of facing the unknown and allowing a world to arise from the void is the the ultimate act of creation. And the self that is revealed in this movement is not defined or limited by the content of the painting. The painting is merely the vehicle that brings form to the creation. That discovered self is that indefinable presence that is unveiled as you travel and encompass more and more of your inner experience. The paintings are just impressions, tracks left along the riverbank. You have already moved on. To identify yourself with the paintings rather than with the movement is to deny who you really are.
— Cassou and Cubley, Life, Paint and Passion: Reclaiming the Magic of Spontaneous Expression