Our time in Cushendall has been very full! I took a few minutes today just to sit and do nothing while waiting for the laundry to be delivered, and it occurred to me that I have had very few unoccupied moments. My mom suggested I write a diary every day, which is a great idea– but when??? I hope to write when we get home before too many memories have faded.
Tonight Anda is doing portraits at a wedding, Ben has a session at Johnny Joe’s, and Brian and I expect to trek a bit out of town for a party before heading back into town to the pub. The day was spent doing “serious filming”– more later.
With luck, I’ll be able to assemble my book this weekend! As Brian says, “Done is good.”
We have a checkered flag flying in the tower window in support of the local hurling team. Brian was given a new jacket, as he plans on going with others to Belfast on Sunday to support the team. I hear firecrackers now. Hurling is quite the thing here!
Love to all, and thank you for your loving support!