It’s hard to believe that this is the last drawing in Anchorage. The next time I do my weekly drawing I will be breathing the air in Northern Ireland! This drawing has helped to connect me with our destination and our work there.
Anda’s boat from “On the Shores of Home” was the thing I decided to draw. It seems to symbolize this artistic journey our family is taking. The view on the left is looking across the street at Alice’s house through our front gate. The view on the right is our destination, Turnly’s Tower, built circa 1820. More information can easily be found about the tower on the internet. The artist residency is entitled In You We Trust. I love the title!
So, Bon Voyage to us as we embark on this adventure. And thank you to John Hirst, who offered us the invitation to be artists-in-residence in Turnly’s Tower!